Curriculum Aims:
At Hadley Wood, our aim is to inspire, motivate and nurture the next generation of creative and critical thinkers. We work in partnership with parents and the community to achieve the highest standards. Our main goal is to encourage our children to be confident, capable and caring learners, who are equipped for lifelong learning. Through stimulating, safe learning environments and excellent opportunities to succeed in and out of the classroom, we encourage children’s progress and achievements.
At Hadley Wood we see Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) as being at the centre of all that we do. Through our curriculum, our school environment and our school ethos, we promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional well-being and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, at school, at work and in the community.
The aims within the PSHE and RSE curriculum meet the needs of every individual child and through the teaching of the subject and the overarching vision of the school; learning is tailored to meet the needs of children.
Our PSHE education programme promotes the core school values and has been designed around these three main strands:
- Confident
- Capable
- Caring
How we plan for and teach PSHE, RSE and P4C:
In order to reflect the needs of our pupils, we have designed our curriculum to be based under the themes of “confident, capable and caring” in line with our school values.
The children engage with a weekly PSHE lesson which has been carefully adapted from the 'You, Me and PSHE' scheme of work from Islington Council. Over the half-term the children will develop their understanding of a theme, this theme is then revisited over a number of years. PHSE is taught mainly with various hands-on activities, discussions, debates and circle time, with opportunities to consider the impact of the topics discussed on the pupils’ individual lives.
Our school considers Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) to be an integral part of the PSHE Education, with elements also contained in the science curriculum. We aim to offer pupils a carefully planned curriculum covering: human development, relationships, sexuality and family life all within a safe, comfortable atmosphere. The programme is set within a moral framework and matched to the pupils’ level of maturity. This policy reflects the requirements outlined in the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education statutory guidance, published by the DfE in June 2019 but updated in September 2021.
We ensure RSE is matched to the needs of our pupils by regularly reviewing the objectives and activities set, highlighting needs and assessing each child individually Our RSE programme is taught through a range of teaching methods and interactive activities.
More information about the National Guidelines regarding RSE from the Department for Education can be found by clicking on the link below:
The new RSE curriculum is delivered within PSHE lessons, information about the units being taught is shared with our parents prior to the lessons being delivered to further promote the home school partnership.
Each week the pupils partake in a P4C session. The Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach is used to stimulate further discussions where the aim is ‘not to win an argument’ but to gain a deeper understanding of different approaches and viewpoints held by those around us in order that we may develop our own understanding and empathy. You can read more about the P4C approach by clicking ( We are exceptionally proud of the inspirational people that our pupils have chosen to represent their class names and have written in a unit for each group about their inspirational person as part of our P4C approach.
How we evaluate learning in PSHE
The impact of our PSHE curriculum is evident in the confidence our children demonstrate when expressing their feelings and managing their friendships. Children at Hadley Wood Primary School learn to use their voice to express their emotions and to use words to solve problems. We also see the impact of this learning in our children’s engagement with their community and their care for others. The choices our children make to keep themselves safe and healthy also reflect the impact of our PSHE curriculum. Evidence is also seen within the pupils’ PHSE books through our “Big Question Approach” which is captured by half-termly mind maps.
Policy and Curriculum Documents.
We have written a new RSE + PSHE Policy. This was open for consultation with parents between Monday 13th July and Monday 31st August 2020. Following the consultation period, governors ratified the finalised policy. Please click on the download link below to access a finalised policy.
Thank you to parents who completed the consultation questionnaire. Further information about our consultation can be found by clicking on the download link below.
The curriculum map, which can be downloaded via the link below, outlines each of the statutory RSE objectives and illustrates where they are covered through school. The RSE objectives are required to be taught by the end of primary, therefore this curriculum map demonstrates how the teaching of these objectives will be progressive through school. They will also be covered in a sensitive, age appropriate manner.