Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team
We are fortunate in having an excellent team of both teaching and non-teaching staff at Hadley Wood School
Name | Role |
Fran Worby |
Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Team, Mathematics Lead, Music Lead, Assessment Coordinator, Leadership and Management and Early Years, Student and ECT Mentor, ECT Induction Tutor, EYFS Lead |
Deputy Headteacher, Year 5 Teacher (0.4), Designated Safeguarding Lead, Curriculum Lead, Deputy -Assessment Coordinator, Quality of Teaching, Religious Education Lead, English & Early Reading Lead |
Year 5 teacher (0.6), Personal Development, Pupil Voice Lead, Science Lead, KS2 Phase Leader |
Year 1 teacher (0.6) Behaviour, KS1 Phase Leader |
Teaching Staff
Name | Role |
Senco, Inclusion Lead |
Reception teacher, Music Lead |
Year 1 teacher (0.4), MFL Coordinator |
Year 2 teacher; Computing Lead |
Year 3 teacher; Physical Education and PSHE Lead |
Year 4 teacher; Humanities Lead |
Year 6 teacher, Art & Design Coordinator |
PPA cover (0.2) |
Support Staff
Name | Role |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Year 3 |
Reception |
Year 1 and Year 2 |
Year 6 |
Learning Mentor |
Admin, Premises & Welfare
Name | Role |
Site Manager |
Admin and Welfare Officer |
Finance and HR Officer |
Members of the Senior Leadership Team are on the front gate every morning and all teaching staff are in the playground at the end of the day should you need to speak with them.
If you would like to book a meeting, please email the School Reception via office@hadleywood.enfield.sch.uk