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Welcome to the Parent section of the Hadley wood website. Here you can find some of the latest information to support your child just by hovering over the Parent tab on the website.


The Hadley Wood newsletter is available from the Newsletter section of the website and is published monthly. Each newsletter is centred around our value of the month and is written by Mrs Worby to celebrate what has been happening in school.  If you've missed a newsletter it will be available online to download. 


Birthdays & Healthy Schools

Some parents like to bring in treats as part of a celebration for a child's birthday or a special occasion. However, to protect children with allergies we are unable to hand out such treats, and you will be asked to return them to your home.

We have a number of children with medical conditions and many of these are allergy based. So, to keep all children safe (even those who present no allergic reactions) no foods are accepted in the school from parents as part of birthday celebrations. Thank you for your understanding. 



Whether you are applying for a secondary school place or wanting to join us hare at Hadley Wood, further information can be found on our Admissions page. 



If you would like to know what the children learn at Hadley Wood then download our learning leaflets for each year group from their class page. Further information can be found under Our Class Pages tab on the website. 

You can also visit The Hadley Wood Curriculum page for more information on the subjects studied in primary education and how we cover these across your child's time at our school. 



All homework is set weekly and is uploaded by class teachers on our Office 365 platform. We are a paperless school and all homework is set and marked online to reduce our carbon footprint. 


Technology and Learning 

We use technology in the classroom to help us fulfil our vision of creative learning. Children use music, video, photography, drawing and coding to support their learning. They also use ipads to develop their reading, writing and mathematics. Our use of technology is embedded across the curriculum and all teachers are trained in how to use it effectively to ensure rapid progress in learning. 


Class Assemblies 

Parents are invited to watch class assemblies. Each class will host an annual class assembly to celebrate their learning and showcase their understanding of the curriculum. 



There are a range of clubs on offer each half-term at Hadley Wood. We have a number of outside providers running clubs, as well as staff. Further information can be found on our After-School Clubs page. 



We have outstanding behaviour at Hadley Wood both in the classroom and around the school. This is because of a clear set of rules and high expectations of the children. As such, we reward everyone as an individual, a class and as a whole school.  To support pupils to make the right choices, we use a Good to be Green reward system. 

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

We have a social networking presence to keep parents informed about the school.  Please do 'follow' or 'like' us if you stumble onto a social network.  

Twitter - Wikipedia

School Dinners 

All the food for the children is cooked on site by the team at Taylor Shaw. You can see the menus by clicking on the links below 

All children in Reception, Year One and Year Two receive a cooked meal each day. This is a Universal Free School Meal. However, if you are part of the benefit system you may be entitled to Free School Meals, please contact the school office to find out if you qualify. 

During the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic year, The Mayor of London has launched an initiative so all children in primary schools across London will receive a Free School Meal.