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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy

What is the Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium funding is additional funding allocated to all schools to support disadvantaged pupils. Hadley Wood Primary School will receive a Pupil Premium Grant for any child: that is looked after by the local authority, or adopted from care; children whose parents are in the armed forces; and for every pupil who has received free school meals over the past 6 years.

From September 2016, schools are required to publish a Pupil Premium Strategy. This will ensure that parents are fully informed about the amount of allocation, barriers faced by eligible pupils, how the funding is to be spent, how we will measure impact and the date the strategy will be reviewed. We also need to include how the allocation was spent for the previous year and its impact on eligible and other pupils.


How can I find out if my child is entitled to the Pupil Premium funding?

The process for applying is straightforward and confidential. You can check online using a ‘Free School Meals / Pupil Premium Service’ at

After entering essential details into the website, the online application process links to the Department for Education system for checking eligibility and gives an immediate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response, and will notify our school.

Children in Reception and KS1 are automatically entitled to a free school lunch; however, registering your child for free meals will entitle them to additional support as well as raising additional funds for the school.

How can I apply?

Please follow this link to apply for FSM:

How is the funding used?

Hadley Wood seeks to ensure the effectiveness of its use of the Pupil Premium. We recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms and look for individual ways to support each child to achieve their very best.

Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium Grant is to diminish the differences between pupil groups. We do this by offering our children a wide range of opportunities and ensuring that these are accessible for everyone. We work with our families and colleagues to make sure everyone has high aspirations for all pupils. We ensure pupil premium children are well represented and have a voice on our school council. In addition, we make use of educational research such as The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit, to guide us on how best to use the school’s resources to improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.