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Year 2—Parks Class

Welcome to Parks Class  

Age: 6-7

Teaching Team: Miss Seaton     Support Staff: Ms McMullen

Year 2 is an important and exciting year, as we are now top of Key Stage 1 and are getting ready to join Key Stage 2.  

Our big target this year is to develop stamina for reading and writing. We will be practising reading larger passages, whilst improving our inference, comprehension and understanding.  

In English, we will be building on the learning covered by the Year 1 curriculum. In lessons, we will be learning about how we can add detail and description into our writing in order to engage our readers. We will provide fun, exciting and relevant stimulus such as stories, real life experiences and pictures, so the children enjoy writing in a variety of styles.  

In mathematics, we are going to be working hard developing our understanding and fluency in the four operations. We will continue to expand our mathematical understanding by developing detailed explanations of how we have calculated the answers to our reasoning and problem-solving challenges. 

It is going to be a busy, but fun packed year, with exciting new learning including being a historian and learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’; being a geographer and exploring our topic, ‘Around the World’; investigating the important moments in the ‘Space Race’ and many more.  We cannot wait to learn with you! 

Homework will be set on a Friday and is due on the Wednesday of the following week. Please continue to support your child by reading with them daily and signing their reading records. Being a confident reader underpins all learning within the Year 2 curriculum. 

PE kits will need to be worn on Wednesday and Friday; please ensure you are wearing the correct uniform for this! 

We have many exciting enrichment opportunities to look forward to this year including visiting ‘The National Gallery’, ‘The Natural History Museum’ and ‘The Barnet Countryside Centre’.  

We are all looking forward to creating some great memories and improving our independence and confidence ready for Key Stage 2.  

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Year 2 team, who will be happy to help. 

Please click on the link below to the read the Parks Class curriculum map.