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Year 3—King Class

Welcome to King Class  

Age: 7-8

Teaching Team: Mrs Petrie    Support Staff: Mrs. Michaelides

Year 3 is an important milestone in your child’s learning as they transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. There is a step up in curriculum learning and independence in Year 3 which enables the children to engage in a more complex broad and balanced curriculum.  

King Class take part in a variety of exciting enrichment opportunities throughout the year. These include a visit to Celtic Harmony where they will experience first-hand what life was like as a Neanderthal Man and we will also visit a local synagogue as part of our Religious Education curriculum.  

Writing is a key priority in Year 3 as we encourage children to become skilled authors. During daily writing lessons, we will be developing writing skills by including higher-level grammar and punctuation in order to make our writing more interesting for the reader. In our mathematics lessons, we are developing a Growth Mindset approach to learning by challenging ourselves as we attempt new concepts in order to build resilience and a persistence to achieve.  

In Year 3 we spend a great deal of time developing our understanding of the wider curriculum. In Design and Technology units of work, our mechanical, sewing and cooking skills will be enhanced whilst making our own moving information page of a book; creating bags for a hunter-gatherer and researching and making pizzas from scratch. Our art lessons complement the history curriculum, providing the children with the opportunity to create cave paintings which mimic those made to communicate during the Stone Age. It is a very interesting and engaging curriculum!  

Throughout year 3, we aim to collaboratively learn, share and explore the world around us. We continue to build friendships, make good choices and show Key Stage 2 how truly amazing we are! 

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Year 3 team. We look forward to working with you.  

Please click on the link below to the read the King Class curriculum map.